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I know, I know, i should have a background. Eventually, it will.
Anyways, here is more.

Phase Rifle Accessory (Hehehe, I should buy 2 and give them both to Reed!)

Reed, but the image inhales vigorously.

A closeup of T'Pol.

A Naussican? Good, another bad guy!

Another T'Pol? Groovey!

Thats how detailed the 12" ship is! It is suppost to have sound effects and stuff like the older ships had, and this includes voices and stuff like that.

A closeup of Mayweather's station

The captain's chair.

Mayweather's station again.

One last view of Mayweather's station.
Well, I hope you've enjoyed this, I hope to discuss some of this stuff with you over lunch sometime.
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