Episodes One and Two "Broken Bow"
first episode of Enterprise, the story opens with a young Jonathan Archer
building a model starship with his father (who builds the Enterprise his
son will command in later years). Back to present day, a Klingon crashes
on Earth chased through an Oklahoma cornfield by the Suliban, the recurring
villians of the series. Shot by the owner of the cornfield, the wounded
Klingon ends up at Starfleet. Archer is ordered to return him to his homeworld
of Qo’nos despite objections of Earth’s new allies, the Vulcans, who have
been supervising Earth’s exploration of the galaxy after “First Contact”.
Archer and a hastily pulled together crew including head off in the Enterprise
to do so. Not far into the mission the Suliban, lead by a creature named
'Silik' who himself is taking orders from an unknown power in another time,
attacks and kidnaps the Klingon - forcing the crew to find where they've
taken him and why they so desperately want him back in their clutches.
Along the way they visit an exotic alien underground marketplace, fly through
the liquid atmosphere of a gas giant, and learn space can be a very dangerous
place. Orion slave girls were expected to be seen (though I think I missed
them) probably in the underground marketplace - where Reed and Mayweather
visit a red-light district and have a pimp try to hustle them. This is
a sort of tribute to the pilot of the original series which showed Vina
(Susan Oliver) as a slave girl in one fantasy scenario The Keepers played
for Captain Pike. One location that was used for the pilot is near Redondo
Beach, California - a historic beachside community also used for Baywatch
and Pacific Blue among other series. No word on what was filmed there.
Episode 3 "Fight or Flight"
Enterprise finds another ship dead in space. Archer and crew board her
when they cannot get any response to hails (against T'Pol's wishes) and
finds the entire crew has been killed. Their bodies are suspended from
the ceiling on hooks being drained of all fluids in attempt to gain a substance
(Triglobin which is also found in humans) from them. Both the aliens that
killed the crew and the race that owned the ship return, and it is up to
Hoshi to try to communicate with the aliens to avoid the destruction of
Subplot involves Hoshi Sato wrestling with whether or not she wants to be in space and stay a member of the crew. Also touches on the moral issue of helping another species though it may endanger the ship and crew. Features the Anaxar who were mentioned in the original series in “Whom Gods Destroy” and “Court Martial” as Kirk having received the Palm Leaf of Axanar.
Episode 4 "Strange New World"
exploring an uninhabited planet, the crew encounter what they believe to
be a hostile alien species. However, things are not always what they appear.
And to complicate things, the crew is infected by an alien pollen that
induces hallucinations and paranoia. Under the influence, Tucker suspects
T’Pol of being in league with imaginary natives on the planet. Archer must
find a way to save them before they turn dangerously on one another. This
episode shows that technology is not always perfect on the Enterprise yet
including a wind storm on the planet that causes a shuttle landing to be
aborted and a transporter problem that fuses rock with the crewman’s body.
Also shows additional tensions between Vulcans and Humans and the level
of mistrust still present on both sides.
Episode 5 "Unexpected"
malfunctions start to occur on the Enterprise, the crew discover an alien
ship hiding in their exhaust wake. The Xyrillians are there trying to recharge
their ship to get home. The Enterprise engineer, Charlie ‘Trip’ Tucker,
goes over to the aliens to help them repair their ship - but unwittingly
becomes pregnant in the process!! He and an alien reach into some
granules which enables them to read each others minds, and the next thing
he knows, he has nipples growing out of his arm. Apparently they also exchanged
genetic material via the granules. Trip fixes the ship which goes on it’s
way before the crew realize he’s pregnant. A hunt for the aliens causes
another encounter with the Klingons which surprisingly T’Pol supports...though
the Klingons will only let the aliens go unharmed if the Xyrillians trades
them their holo-technology. The first comedic episode of the series and
features the first mention of holographic technology.
Episode 6 "Terra Nova"
Nova means “New Land” in Latin and is the name of one of the first Earth
colonies created on an alien planet colonized before fast interstellar
travel was possible. After the colonists settled down, they refused to
allow more colonists to land. All contact with the colony was lost shortly
after that and no investigation team was ever sent. The Enterprise investigates
the fate of the colonists. When they arrive, they find descendents of the
colonists who have become more alien than Archer could ever have imagined.
Reed is taken hostage and in the process of trying to establish an understanding
with the colonists, who call themselves Novans, they discover a meteor
crashed into the Northern hemisphere causing poisonous gas to spread killing
the adults. Only children young enough to adapt survived, but the build-up
of toxins in the water supply over the years will kill them all unless
they leave the planet or relocate to the unaffected Southern hemisphere.
Episode 7 "The Andorian Incident"
Combs (DS9's Brunt and one of the Vortas) plays an Andorian terrorist that
attack a Vulcan meditation monestary they believe is hiding a long-range
sensor array. Enterprise happens to drop in at the wrong time when Captain
Archer decides to visit the monastery to engage in some interstellar cultural
site-seeing. The crew walk into an ambush and Archer must come up with
a plan to defeat the Andorians without the help of the pacifistic Vulcans
(shades of the Organians and “Errand of Mercy”). Archer, T’Pol and Tucker
are stranded on the planet as Reed and the rest of the crew try to come
up with a way to free them. In the process, Tucker explores the ancient
Catacombs where the most sacred Vulcan relics are stored...and repairs
an old transmitter. The Andorians are more complicated and textured than
the simple blue-skinned, antennaed white-haired aliens seen in TOS “Journey
to Babel”, the antennae now move and change attitude according to their
Episode 8 "Breaking the Ice"
the betrothal of T’Pol and her deciding to marry or continue her mission
on the Enterprise. Trip learns that T'Pol is transmitting secret messages
to a Vulcan ship, which has been shadowing Enterprise for weeks. Meanwhile,
Archer must attempt a dangerous rescue to recover Reed and Mayweather stranded
on a rapidly disintegrating comet.
Episode 9 "Civilization"
Enterprise discovers a planet with a technological level similar to that
of late 19th-Century Earth. The crew decide to study this planet’s culture
and send an away team altered to resemble the alien population. The away
team is drawn into a deadly mystery that has already cost the lives of
several locals. Archer meets a beautiful scientist named Tyala, who falls
in love with him as the two work to solve the mystery. Another alien in
the episode is Garos, a local merchant with a devious secret. This episode
also reveals at least a primitive version of the Prime Directive is already
in place at Starfleet - a Starfleet code that states that unless the natives
have a certain level of technology, we shouldn’t contact them because it
might upset their natural development. But apparently someone on the planet
does have technology (shades of “A Private Little War”?). This is also
the first episode to show the crew being altered to fit in with the natives
as Archer is dressed in doublet and hose and forehead ridges.
Episode 10 "Fortunate Son"
Enterprise is dispatched by Starfleet to check out a distress call from
an Earth freighter, the Fortunate. When the arrive, they find the crew
rather unappreciative of their offer of help.
The commander, Captain Keene, was seriously wounded in an attack by Nausicaan pirates. Its first officer, Ryan Cross, a man about 30 years old who has spent his entire life on cargo ships, takes over and distrusts Archer and his crew leading to tensions.
Cross plans to seek revenge on the Nausicaan’s putting his ship and the Enterprise in serious danger. We find out more about Mayweather’s life growing up aboard freighters as he bonds with Cross and his knowledge of freighters actually saves the day.
Episode 11 "Cold Front"
the Enterprise comes in contact with an alien vessel transporting stargazers
to observe a spectacular stellar event, Archer invites them aboard the
ship not realizing that Silik, a Suliban enemy, is among the passengers.
Archer quickly realizes that Silik is engaged in a nefarious time-traveling
mission and must stop him before he can tamper with the course of history.
This is the first appearance of the Sulibans since the debut episode. It
also introduces a Starfleet officer, Daniels, working to stop the Temporal
Cold War which is really the first suggestion we’ve had of Starfleet’s
time-travel capabilities.
Episode 12 "Silent Enemy"
Enterprise is attacked by an unidentified enemy ship, the crew must work
frantically to get their new phase canons to operate. Meanwhile, Archer
realizes that no one knows Reed well enough to give him a personalized
birthday present. An unknown ship trails the Enterprise, attacking mercilessly
and repeatedly. The ship doesn’t answer to hails or other attempts to communicate,
but does fire on the Enterprise and even boards her to obtain info on the
ship and crew. The Enterprise crew are far outclassed by the aliens, who
seem to be invulnerable to both the ship’s weapons and the crew’s hand
weapons. Archer orders the ship to return to Jupiter to have its cannons
installed. Even as the ship rushes back to Jupiter, however, Tucker and
Reed work overtime to try and install the weapons themselves and get some
kind of defense against the alien ship. According to Dominic Keating (Reed),
they get to “kick some serious butt” in this episode.
Episode 14 "Dear Doctor"
episode will give us more information about Dr. Phlox as he writes a letter
to a colleague about a crush that Ensign Cutler (first seen in "Strange
New World") develops for him and we see some of his Denobulan past. Meanwhile,
on the Bridge, Capt. Archer is faced with his first pre-Prime Directive
dilemma ... should he provide warp technology to a pre-warp race? The Enterprise
encounters a pre-warp shuttle that is less than a light-year away from
an M-Class planet. The occupants are taken aboard the ship and Phlox discovers
they are dying from an unknown disease. When one of the aliens is awakened,
he tells Archer he is from the nearby planet of Valakis and that everyone
there is dying from the disease. He is one of four astronauts sent out
into space hoping to find someone that could help them, but while on their
trip, they started to develop symptoms of the disease -- which can lie
dormant for years. T'Pol warns Archer that they should not contaminate
a pre-warp civilization, but he ignores her and sets course for Valakis
anyway. At the planet, he finds Essak, the director of the research center
dedicated to finding a cure, who informs him that little progress has been
made. Archer and crew learn that Esaak's race is not alone on the planet,
and that a completely different species -- the Menk -- are also indigenous
to it. Esaak also informs them that the Enterprise is not the first warp-capable
species that has come to visit. Other aliens include the Maelins and even
the Ferengi, both races of which even the Vulcans have never heard of.
Both races left quickly after finding out about the disease, and refused
to share their warp technology. Archer wonders if the Vulcans were right
in keeping warp technology out of humans’ reach for so many years. Also
said to feature the first mention of the Ferengi. This is a moral and ethical
story with both Phlox and Archer struggling with difficult choices.
Episode 14 "Sleeping Dogs"
Enterprise encounters a Klingon Raptor-class scout ship drifting through
the outer layers of a gas giant. Archer decides to board the ship and discovers
all the Klingons aboard are unconscious, infected by a virus (another one?)
Archer tries to help the Klingons, but is hindered by the only Klingon
aboard who avoided being infected by the virus, a Klingon Cook named Bu’kaH
who is the embodiment of Klingon paranoia. Supposedly a “fun” episode.
Episode 15 "Shadows of P'Jem"
P’Jem was the name of the Vulcan monestary in The Andorian Incident, this
episode will be another encounter with the Andorians...though this time
with Shran coming to Archer’s aid. Archer gets caught in a civil war with
the Andorians coming to their rescue when he and T’Pol are kidnapped by
a militant faction on the planet. The crew is also dealing with T’Pol being
ordered back to Vulcan by the Vulcan High Command though she does not want
to leave the Enterprise.
Episode 16 "Shuttlepod One"
and Reed are stranded on a shuttlepod when returning from a mission - and
find Enterprise apparently destroyed. Focuses heavily on Reed and serves
to bond the two characters as they face limited oxygen and almost no chance
of being rescued. They battle their annoyance with one another while also
coming to terms with their mortality. I’ve got to wonder about the photo
above...is it a dream of Reeds, or????
Episode 17 "Fusion"
around the Vulcans and T’Pol as the ship encounters a group of renegades
who have rejected logic and set out to explore different ways of life.
May include Tucker befriending one of the Vulcans who has become estranged
from his father. Also features a love interest for T’Pol named Tolaris...wonder
how that will affect her betrothal?
Episode 18 "Rogue Planet"
Enterprise crew encounters a hunting species known as the Eska. They possess
advanced camouflage equipment they use to hunt - even the crew’s nightvision
gear can’t detect them. Apparently, T’Pol gets into a bit of trouble trying
to explain her aversion to hunting with Archer intervening to explain Vulcans
don’t eat meat. He also apparently states that hunting went out of style
on Earth a 100 years ago....though he does love a good steak. Reed is mostly
impressed by the hunters equipment and has the chance to try it out when
he accompanies a hunting party going for a rare Dakalan Elk - which is
only permitted to be hunted for 4 days out of the year. Archer meets a
mysterious telepathic, shape-shifting woman who claims her species is the
Eska’s prized prey when he, Trip and T’Pol investigae volcanic steam vents
in another area. The shapeshifters pleed with Archer to help stop the slaughter
of their species.
Episode 19 "Acquisition"
Features Ethan Phillips (Voyager’s Neelix) as
a Ferengi. In the episode, four Ferengi pirates manage to render the Enterprise
crew unconcious and begin to plunder it. Luckily, Tucker was in the decon
chamber when the Ferengi released their knock-out gas and is able to wake
up Archer and T’Pol who manage to take the ship back. In order not to conflict
with the continuity established by the NG episode “The Last Outpost”, the
Enterprise crew will apparently never learn the name of the race. Jeffrey
Combs will play a Ferengi very different from Brunt whom he played in DS9.
Episode 20 "Oasis"
An alien trader named D’Marr tells the crew about
an abandond, haunted ship on a nearby planet that may contain duratanium
- a resource the Enterprise is looking for to replenish its hull plating.
The ship appears abandoned though T’Pol and Tucker discover an alien oasis
inhabited by the Kantare, who claim to have crashed there 3 years ago.
Tucker apparently falls for an alien woman, Liana, with T’Pol becoming
somewhat jealous. Turns out they may have been there much longer, however,
and when T’Pol finds something she shouldn’t, the aliens seize her.
Episode 21 "Detained"
We will finally learn more about the Suliban
in this episode as Archer and Mayweather are held in a Mazarite detention
center along with several Suliban, including Narra, a child. These Suliban
are not members of the Cabal that the villainous Silik works for and are
being held because the Mazarite’s fear the reprisal of the Cabal. Archer
and Mayweather befriend some of the Suliban’s and we finally learn about
the species’ past. Danik tells them that the Suliban left their homeworld
over a thousand years ago becoming nomadic and settling peacefully across
the quandrant with races like the Mazarites (who are human-like in appearance)
and the Tiburon. Seven years ago, the Cabal began attacking non-aligned
Suliban settlements on these worlds, causing the Suliban to be ostracized
and even imprisoned. Colonel Grat of the Mazarite lays the groundwork for
joining with Archer in a battle against the Cabal. This episode is one
of the most timely of the series with parallels about the treatment of
innocent civilians during war time. Archer forms a plan to take over several
Suliban vessels in order to get back to Enterprise and relocate the Suliban
civilians to Tiburon - a plan not all Suliban appreciate.
Episode 22 "Vox Solis"
A strange, symbiotic alien creature boards the
Enterprise capturing a few of the crew members, including Archer and Trip,
and cocoons them in its web feeding off their bodies to survive. With the
captured crewmembers' lives in jeopardy, Hoshi, under T'Pol's command,
faces her biggest challenge by trying to find a way to communicate with
the lifeform in order to return it to its home planet.
Episode 23 "Fallen Hero"
When a Vulcan ambassador is accused of secretive
criminal misconduct, Enterprise is asked to transport her back to the Vulcans.
Following an attack by a corrupt alien race, T'Pol defends the Ambassador
and, for the first time, asks Archer for his help. Meanwhile, after the
Vulcan diplomat boards the Enterprise, alien weapons begin firing from
hostile ships, putting everyone's lives at risk.
Episode 24 "Desert Crossing"
When Archer and Trip are invited to a desert-like
planet by an alien leader after they help fix his ship, they discover he
is a terrorist who has lured them onto his planet under false pretenses.
Meanwhile, T'Pol, while in command, faces a tough decision when she cannot
locate Archer and Trip in the desert.