Aft center view of the viewscreen on Enterprise
(Ep 5).
A Xyrillian female born on Thera that is the
engineer of the ship that Tucker assists. Her using granules with Tucker
to read each other’s minds is what causes an exchange of genetic material
impregnating him. Played by Julianne Christie in Ep 5.
Almack, Ensign
A junior engineer mentioned in Unexpected (Ep
Altarian Marsupial
A creature kept in sickbay by Dr. Phlox who’s
droppings contain the highest concentration of regenerative enzymes found
anywhere (Ep 1).
Amazon University
The college Hoshi Sato taught linguistics at
before joining the Enterprise crew (Ep 1).
mentioned in TOS episodes “Whom Gods Destroy” and “Court Martial” as Kirk
having had been awarded the Palm Leaf of Axanar. In Fight or Flight, an
Anaxar ship is found adrift by the Enterprise. They become allies once
the aliens that attacked the ship return. They live for 400 years
and are androgenous (neither male nor female).
Archer, Henry
Captain Archer’s father, Henry was an engineer
who designed the Warp 5 engine, though died before it was completed. Played
by Mark Moses in Broken Bow. Has known Tucker for 8 years and saved his
life about 4 years before the Enterprise mission (Ep 5).
Captain Jonathan
See page on Archer here.
Prior to visiting the P’Jem monestary, the Ingari monestary in Tibet was
the oldest he ever visited (Ep 7).
of the planet Andoria, these humanoids are blue-skinned in appearance and
have bilateral antennae and characteristically white hair. Andorians are
self-described as a violent and warlike species engaging in group marriages
of four as a rule. Most of what is known about this race is scattered.
They eventually become a Federation-member race and were first seen in
TOS “Journey to Babel”. They have been mentioned several times in TNG and
DS9. Their variety of silk is prized for its softness. Andorian jewelry
is highly collectible and is not usually available. In the time of Enterprise,
they have several grudges against the Vulcans which leads to their attack
on a Vulcan monestary. The ruling body is the Andorian Imperial Guard.
They are neighbors of the Vulcans and had long suspected the P’Jem monestary
of hiding a spying station, though in 2 previous trips to the monestary,
they failed to find it. They do not have transporter technology. They think
Vulcans “smell of dust” (Ep 7).
Benecia Colony
One of the first off-world colonies founded on
Mars (Ep 6).
Clinton, Ensign Joshua
Played by Steve Folger in Broken Bow.
Cochrane, Dr. Zephram
Inventor of Warp Drive has a cameo in Broken
Bow - a video taped segment from a speech he gave 30 years before used
in the send off of the Enterprise on it’s mission. Played by James Cromwell,
the character was introduced in TOS “Metamorphosis” and featured in Star
Trek: First Contact, where he was also played by Cromwell.
Crater, Judge
Someone missing since the 20th century - one
of the great unknown occurences (Ep 6).
Cutler, Ensign Elizabeth
Ship’s entomologist (insect expert). Played by
Kellie Waymire (who also played Lanya in Voyager’s “The Muse”) in Strange
New World.
Dr. Phlox’s
race. They don’t believe in wasting time talking during meals.
They have multiple mates (Ep13).
Department Designation
Color stripes on the uniform shoulders indicate
department. The colors seem very similar to those used on TOS (with the
exception of Communications), though there doesn’t seem to be a separate
color for security and we haven’t seen one for sciences yet. So far, colors
I’ve figured out are as follows:
- Gold (Archer, Mayweather)
- Blue (my guess based on TOS)
& Security - Burgundy (Reed & Tucker) - may also be used for Sciences??
& Science - Green (Sato)
page on the Enterprise here.
The ship does not have a pool onboard (Ep 4). No sonic showers yet as Archer
is seen taking a water shower in Ep 5 (water storage would help explain
the more cramped quarters onboard as pipes and tanks would have to be accommodated,
though recycling would certainly be used).
Forrest, Admiral
male. 50s to 60s. A career military man who's the highest ranking officer
in Starfleet. He's fond of Captain Archer and has personally selected him
to command Enterprise. Played by Vaughn Armstrong. Introduced in Broken
Bow. Character is named in honor of the late TOS actor, DeForest Kelly
(Dr. Leonard McCoy).
The great-grandfather of the tractor beam, the
grappler is a primitive and simple device that shoots out two projectiles
at high velocity parallel to each other. These are secured to the ship
via a high-strength cable. The projectiles grab onto their target by means
of high strength electromagnets allowing the object to be secured in the
shuttle bay of the Enterprise. The grappler can be used offensively to
capture small shuttles or to bring onboard any other space objects of a
size less than or equal to a small shuttle, but too big for the cargo-bay
transporter. First used in Broken Bow. Submitted by Sillard Urbanovich
Hull Plating
The defensive shielding of the Enterprise. Rather
than using an energy field that surrounds the ship like a bubble as in
TOS, the Enterprise takes damage directly to its hull. After it has been
shot, the hull plating, similar to armor, can be re-polarized to strengthen
it. The plates can be easily seen on the surface of the ship. Hull plating
was first mentioned in Broken Bow. Submitted by Sillard Urbanovich
The Vulcan concept of Infinite Diversity in Infinate
Combinations - the idea of how different things combine to form something
of beauty. Mentioned but not explained by T’Pol in Ep 7.
Ingari Monestary
The oldest Capt. Archer ever had visited before
his trip to P’Jem, the Ingari Monestary is located in Tibet, on Earth (Ep
A courier carrying a message from Siran, he
is pursued by the Suliban and forced to crash land on Earth. While he manages
to kill the Suliban’s pursuing him, he is shot by the farmer who’s land
he crashed on and is taken to Starfleet. Played by Tom ‘Tiny’ Lister Jr
in Broken Bow.
The final purging of all emotions from Vulcans.
(Ep 7). It was the ritual Spock was undergoing in ST: The Motion Picture.
Laracus Prime
A planet known for having over 5,000 species
of insects (Ep 4) which probably means it also has a lot of trees and wood.
Leonard, Admiral
Human male. 40s - 50s. A high-ranking officer
in Starfleet who serves directly under Admiral Forrest. Played by Jim Beaver
in Broken Bow. Character is named in honor of the late TOS actor, Mark
Leonard (Sarek, Spock’s father as well as other characters) and TOS actor
Leonard Nimoy (Spock).
Ensign Travis
See page on Mayweather here.
His parents ran cargo ships for 23 years (Ep 3). Has been fascinated by
Terra Nova since he was a kid and promised his father he’d see it some
day. Capt. Archer allowed him to do the report to Starfleet (Ep 6).
Minshara Class Planet
The Vulcan designation for a planet capable of
sustaining humanoid life forms with a oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere. (Ep 4)
Later abbreviated to “M-class” in TOS.
40ccs of the drug shortens the time Tucker must
go through decompression on the Xyrillian ship by half - down to 3 hours
(Ep 5).
Mitchell, Captain
Captain of the Conestoga, the Terra Nova colonization
vessel (Ep 6).
New Berlin
The first off-world colony established on the
moon (Ep 6).
Novakovich, Ensign Ethan
Part of the landing party team that beamed up
to the ship (and got sand pimples) (Ep 4). Played by Henri Lubatti.
An ancient Vulcan monestary almost 3000 years
old. Near the edge of the Andorian border, the Andorians have long suspected
the monestary hides a spy device. Technology is considered a distraction.
Visitors should not speak to anyone unless spoken to first. Upon conclusion
of a visit, the visitor is often given a Stone of Jicar to go on their
journey which represents the foundation of all they believe - that life
has order. One of the founders was master Hadok. (Ep 7).
Phase Pistols
new weapon introduced in Broken Bow, Phase Pistols have 2 settings, Stun
and Kill, rather than the range of 8 or so that TOS phasers will have.
Click on the picture at right for a large version with very good detail.
See page on Phlox here.
His people don’t speak during meals as they consider it a waste of time.
Is very curious about human and alien customs and rituals (including mating)
and is very observant - the (innocent) source of ship gossip (Ep 3). “When
in Phelibia, do as the Phelibians do” (Ep 5). He’s a Denobulan (Ep 6).
Plomeek Broth
A traditional Vulcan breakfast (Ep 5). Plomeek
soup was first introduced in TOS episode “Amok Time” as Nurse Chapel brings
a home-made bowl of it to Spock.
Porthos' page here.
Captain Archer’s dog, a beagle. He’s named after one of the Three Musketeers
from the series of novels by Alexandre Dumas, the 19th century French author.
Porthos was the faithful companion who was more brawn than brains and concerned
about his image and social station. He gets to “go where no dog has gone
before” according to Tucker when Archer brings him on the away team in
Strange New World. He loves cheese (especially cheddar), but is latose
intolerant and suffers from gastral problems (Ep 13).
Pulsar Gride
Sent to alien species as a part of first contact
to help them locate Earth. Probably a triangulation of the Sol system defined
by pulsars as this is a common astrological proceedure. (Ep 3)
Rank Designations
Enterprise uses a system of pips - rectangular
gold metal bars on the right side of the chest - to designate rank as follows:
(Mayweather & Sato)
Lt. Malcolm
See page on Reed here. His favorite food is pineapple
(Ep 12).
Ensign Hoshi
See page on Sato here. Her quarters are on the
port side after asking Archer for permission to switch with someone else
as the “stars are going the wrong way” - she had port side quarters on
both her training cruises. (Ep 3)
Shuttle Pod
A small pod-like ship intended for limited range
missions landing on a planet or short-range space missions, the Enterprise’s
shuttle pods are released from a docking arm from the lower decks of the
ship. As transporters are only in wide use for cargo, personnel are usually
transported via shuttle pod. They have auxilliary landing thrusters (Ep
Late 30s to early 40s. Alien. Physically agile.
One of the leaders of the Suliban introduced in Broken Bow. Played by John
A Suliban
female rebel who sends a message via Klaang to the Klingon High Council
warning them of a Suliban plot to cause war within the Klingon Empire.
She is killed by Suliban agents in Broken Bow. Played by Melinda Clarke.
Soval, Ambassador
male. Late 60s. A wise and arrogant diplomat who has very little patience
with Captain Archer. Played by Gary Graham, who also played Sikes in Alien
Nation and Tannis in Voyager’s “Cold Fire”. Introduced in Broken Bow.
Strange New World planet
unnamed planet is explored in Ep 4. It is Minshara-class (capable of supporting
humanoid life), with 2 moons and rocks composed of limestone and cormolite.
Archer decides to land in the Northern continent because he “likes the
looks of it.” Hallucinogenic spores are released from a plant growing in
the mountains southwest of the landing area during a storm which includes
80 kph winds.
A deadly species obsessed with genetic enhancement
(possibly part of the Eugenics Wars and Khan’s people?). The Suliban will
be the recurring villians of the series, though they will be lead by an
unknown leader directing them from the future. The mystery of who this
leader is and their agenda will be an ongoing plotline for at least the
first season.
One of the most revered Vulcan philosophers.
His teachings led to Vulcan’s purging emotions (Ep 7).
Over 5,000 species reside on Laracus Prime (Ep
Terra Nova
The “Great Experiment” - the first Earth colony
established outside the solar system 70 years prior to the Enterprise Mission.
The Conestoga (named after Conestoga wagons that colonized the American
West) was a vessel designed to be taken apart once it landed on it’s one-way
colonization mission. The mission was commanded by Capt. Mitchell. One
of the settlers, Loch Logan, lead a movement against the planned second
save of settlers originally planned and shortly after that, all contact
with the colony was lost. Since it would have taken 9 years one way to
investigate, no ship was ever sent to see what happened until Enterprise.
It was one of the legendary mysteries of space. The Enterprise discovers
that shortly after the colony was established, an asteroid struck 500 kilometers
north of the colony that was composed mostly of Baresium ore causing radiation
levels that would have been fatal at the time and are just dissappating
when the Enterprise arrives. The resulting dust cloud covered half of the
northern hemisphere for more than a year and rained toxins on the colonists
killing half the adults. Children around the age of 4 or less developed
an immunity and moved underground. The survivors called themselves Novans
and thought of humans as the enemy. The water supply has become increasingly
contaminated and would prove fatal to the final 58 survivors but Archer
manages to convince them they should move to the unaffected Southern hemisphere
where there are similar tunnels. They developed their own terms based on
their life underground including:
*Shale = lies
*Go Befores = ancestors
*Underside = underground tunnels
they live in
*Overside = the planet’s surface.
*Diggers = a burrowing animal
that is hunted for food by the Novans
Time Villian
Suliban are lead by a mysterious figure from the 24th century that speaks
to Silik in a time chamber where everything exists slightly out of phase.
He’s played by James Horan in Broken Bow who has had many small rolls in
male. 50s. Ambassador Soval's assistant. Shares Soval's disdain for human
culture. Played by Thomas Kopache who also played Kira’s father, Kira Tiban
in several episodes of DS9. Introduced in Broken Bow. Character name is
a homage to The Original Series (see above entry).
See page on T’Pol here.
She has been to 36 Minshara-class planets (Ep 4). She first uses the Vulcan
nerve pinch on Mayweather in Ep 4. Not familiar with early Earth space
expeditions, though Tucker says Vulcan expeditions are required learning
for Earth school children (Ep 6).
The commander of the Xyrillian ship Tucker assists.
Played by Randy Oglesby in Ep 5.
III, Commander Charlie “Trip”
See page on Tucker here.
Has been in Starfleet 12 years, has known Archer for 8 years and Archer
saved his life once about 4 years prior to the Enterprise mission (Ep 5).
His favorite food is catfish (Ep 5). Was never good in history class (Ep
Uniform Patch
crew wear a patch on their left shoulder of the Enterprise logo/crew patch.
It’s a styilized version of the ship as seen from above over a starfield
with the word “Enterprise” on the side. A very cool design and I imagine
we’ll see lots of these popping up at conventions very soon. A reader has
suggested it will eventually warp into the familiar arrowhead design of
TOS with the shpp becoming the “A”.
Tucker’s 10th grade biology teacher. The first
Vulcan he met and he “scared the hell” out of him. One of his favorite
sayings was “Challenge your preconceptions or they’ll challenge you.” (Ep
Vulcans use automated probes to do a geological
survey from orbit for 6-7 days before sending any landing parties to Minshara-class
worlds. (Ep 4). There are no ghost stories on Vulcan. (Ep 4) Their star
charts aren’t all that accurate Archer discovers as a proto star isn’t
included. They revere their dead and some of their most sacred relics are
the bones of their ancestors contained in the catacombs of the P’Jem monestary.
They have a strong sense of smell and don’t like the smell of humans -
T’Pol was given a nasal numbing agent to help her be more comfortable on
Enterprise. They don’t believe in responding to violence with violence
(Ep 7).
Webb, George
During the camp out in Strange New World, Mayweather
tells the tail of George Webb, who opened an escape pod from a Y-500-class
freighter they found drifting in space for 63 yars. Webb, the ship’s assistant
chief engineeer, said the metal felt cold and that he could hear a tapping
noise from inside the pod, though it turned out to be empty. Webb’s personality
changed after the incident ... he often got into fights with the crew and
muttered in some unknown alien language. One day he locked himself in engineering
and almost overloaded the engines destroying the ship. He jettisoned himself
in a lifepod and some say to this day, he drifts in space - possessed by
an alien or taken over by the ghost of the dead crewman he found in the
original pod. Some say they can occasionally hear him tapping and pick
up his distress signal as he drifts through space. The story prompted T’Pol
to remark that “There are no ghost stories on Vulcan.”
Williams, Admiral
Human male. 50s. A somewhat temperamental Starfleet
officer who serves as attaché to Admiral Forrest. Played by Jim
Fitzpatrick in Broken Bow. Character is named in honor of TOS actor William
Shatner (Capt. James T. Kirk).
Species first encountered in "Unexpected". They
are very familiar with meeting other cultures and have developed a decompression
process to acclimate most humanoids to their atmosphere. The decompression
process normally takes 6 hours, but Miraceen cuts this time to half. Ships
seem to be partially organic as green grass grows on the floors that releases
a vapor that helps them metabolize their food. The food grows all over
the walls. They have advanced holographic technology that uses resequenced
photons to create matter. They give the technology to the Klingons in order
to prevent their ship from being destroyed. They also have a stealth technology
(that perhaps the Romulans later get from them?) that allows them to hide
in the warp wake of ships when their own is damanged. Their engines use
teraphasic warp coils that seem to be somewhat fragile. They have dermal
plating on their bodies that allows them to detect other people moods and
play a game using a container of granules. When 4 hands are put into the
gradules, the two people may exchange thoughts. Those granules allow genetic
material to be passed to Tucker which causes him to be impregnated with
the offspring growing between his 6th and 7th intercostal ribs. At least
one planet in their system is called Thera (Ep 5).